Responsibility. What is it?pt2

So the last post was an example of how differently two people can react to the same circumstances.


The victim has no control. He has no idea what is out there or what is coming at him next. all he can do is react. So that’s all he does and usually he reacts badly. He knows and really does believe that the world is out to get him. But this really is a ridiculous concept. Imagine the level of conceit that it takes, the massive belief in your own self importance that one must have, in order to believe that everyone else cares enough about you and what you think for them to spend that much time and energy trying to ruin your life. In all honesty strangers generally just don’t care enough to even notice you exist much less to put forth any amount of concerted effort to bring you up or down. It just does not happen.


The responsible person though knows that life happens according to a formula. Everything that he says does thinks or doesn’t say do or think sets something into motion. All of the things that happen are as a result of these actions or inactions. The responsible person knows that rain doesn’t happen to him. Rain just happens. The police officer didn’t wake up this morning and decide he was writing the responsible guy a ticket. The police officer didn’t even know this guy existed until he started speeding. The responsible guy knows that he is the source of the ticket. He has no reason to blame the officer. The officer is just doing his job. If you don’t speed, then you don’t get a ticket for speeding. If you don’t speed you don’t have to sit by the side of the road and wait for the officer to write you a ticket for the speeding that you did.


Click here for the rest of the article on responsibility

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