Video games. The bane of modern society?

Awhile back, I made mention of a video game, Grand Theft Auto V. Within a couple of days of its release it had made over a billion dollars in sales. That is a truly astronomical figure and considering what the game is about some may wonder if life as we know it is being ruined by video games in general.


Don’t know what I am talking about? Perhaps you don’t have a child above the age of ten in your house. Or maybe you don’t own a gaming console. As the name implies most of the series is about grand theft, either of or committed with cars and that’s the lighter side of the game. Then there’s the possibility of hooking up with prostitutes, having your way with them and then beating the tar out of them to get your money back. Although there is a main story line, the general idea is to commit as many crimes as you can possibly get away with all whilst avoiding or taking out the police.


Video games are certainly making a splash in a big way. Many of them such as the GTA series, are outselling every other form of media out there, including books, television, music and even blockbuster movies.


A lot of these games explore and even glorify the bad things that we do to one another. There are quite a few different gaming franchises where the entire purpose of the game is to murder a bunch of other guys before they murder you. Except instead of murder its called warfare. Semantics.

Yeah, they are bad. But are they destroying life as we know it? Click here to read on and see.

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