Posts Tagged ‘age’

Are you a grown up?

February 28, 2014

What is an adult? To many different people the question could be answered many different ways. As I am sure you will see, my definition is pretty strict and excludes a lot of people.


According to an adult is a person who “is fully grown or developed or of age”.  Saying that a person who is any one of these three things is an adult does not seem right to me. I believe that you must have all three of these things in order to be an adult.


I look at the term fully grown and I think physical development. Developed makes me think of mental development. And age as a metric seems to be a generalized yardstick saying by x point in life a person should have had y number of experiences. Now how about some examples that show why I think you need all three of these traits in order to be considered an adult.


To start with, look at the character played by Tom Hanks in the movie Big. In the beginning he is a child. Something happens and one day he wakes up in the body of a fully grown male of the human race. At first this seems awesome because it lets him have access to many parts of life that a child is not allowed to take part in.

Is he an adult? What about Doogie Hauser? Click here to read on.