Posts Tagged ‘altering’

An observation and a suggestion

April 5, 2014

A bit more of my slightly different perception of things.


People, when excited about a particular thing, have a tendency to emphatically state something to the effect of, it changed my life! Or it was truly a life altering experience. They declare such a thing loudly and boldly, often pausing between each word and also placing extra emphasis on each word to show just how serious they are about what it is that they are saying.


While I appreciate the severity of their declaration and share in the joy that something that happened to them had a profound effect on their life, I also kinda giggle somewhat inside at how ridiculous it sounds to me whenever someone says anything like that.


Why? Because everything that happens to you alters your life in some way. There are no non-life altering events.


Click here to read on and see why I say this and also about an unusual habit I have.