Posts Tagged ‘decision’

Today we went bowling

March 12, 2014

My son’s third birthday (or 3th as the misprint on the cake said) was this past Wednesday. Today we went out and celebrated his birthday by taking him bowling for the first time.


He has a little plastic bowling ball and pin set at home. So he was already familiar with the basic mechanics. And I think he has seen a bowling alley before on Handy Manny or one of the other kid shows he watches. I figured it would be a cute thing that he would get a kick out of. Though I have to admit, I was a little worried that he might not be big enough to roll the ball hard enough to actually knock over any pins when the ball finally finished its long slow crawl down to the end of the lane.


Have you ever had a moment that was just so awesome and so super-charged with positive emotion that you wanted to crystallize it, to somehow freeze that moment in time, so that you could carry it around with you all the time? Well I got nearly an hour of that today.

To see more of my joy at his enthusiasm click here


Lack of belief system pt1

February 9, 2014

If you have been following along for some time now, you probably think I am either pretty smart, enlightened or crazy. Regardless of which one you believe, you are probably correct. And here today, I offer up even more proof to support whichever one you believe.


One of the biggest problems we face in relationships with one another is miscommunication . A person will say something and we will think that we know what it is that they mean. But, most of the time, we actually do not understand what it is that another person says. We just think we do. We take what they say and translate it into something that makes sense within our own belief system. We assume that that thing, that makes sense within our own belief system, is what they meant and we move on. So, we will step away from that conversation and make decisions and choices based on the new information that person gave us. We will build other things we believe on top of that information and make even more choices and decisions. And then we come back into contact with that person and tell them about the things that we have learned based on those choices and decisions and …hey! Why is that person looking at us like we just grew three new heads? Here is where we realize there is a breakdown. They have no idea what we are talking about.


Where is the breakdown though? What causes the miscommunication? Person A gave us information. We just took in that information and started doing things with it right? So if there is any flaw it has to be with the information itself, making it the fault of person A right? Not exactly.  Person A did provide us with information, that much is true. And we did start using that information to begin making choices and decisions with. But not right away. First, we filtered that information through our belief system, so that it made sense to us. And that is where the problem comes in. When we did that, we changed what they meant into our understanding of what they meant. Quite frequently, this leads to being wrong while still thinking you are right.

Lack of belief continues here