Posts Tagged ‘give’

The truth behind the excuse pt2

June 6, 2014

The truth is you always have a choice.You have a choice or even multiple choices, in every single circumstance. If a man holds you up at gunpoint and gives you the option of losing your gp or your hp(gamer humor), he isn’t forcing you to give him your money. You are free to ignore him, his threat and his gun. If you do, you stand a very good chance of getting shot. Perhaps you could struggle with him, get the gun and shoot him instead, chase him off or tell him to give up his money.


Most people, being intimidated by the person wielding the gun, choose to give the thief their money. They do not want to deal with the potential consequences of defying the person with the gun. It is easier to lie to themselves and everyone else and say that they were forced to give up their money.


Back to the examples above. You did forget to take the trash out. But it was only because you didn’t want to do it in the first place. It was not important to you. Regarding the audition, you kept the agreement because you didn’t want to anger your spouse or disappoint your child. Plus if you hadn’t kept it, it would be your fault if your kid didn’t make it into that prestigious school. Unlike the first example, there were real consequences here.


Yup, all these things are true but still don’t answer the question of why we make the choices that we do. The proceeding paragraphs do. Click here to read on and find out for yourself.