Posts Tagged ‘past’

A test of courage

July 17, 2014

Today I want to talk about the past. Most people tend to look at their past deeds and either use them to bolster themselves up or to hold themselves back. Think about it. 


There’s the guy who thinks he is better than everyone else because of who he used to be in high school. He was the letter wearing football star and he’s still lording it over everyone within earshot about how he is better than them. Look he even has proof! There’s his signed mvp ball. And he was homecoming king. Or how about the local chess champion? He’s smarter and more important than you because of that one tournament that nobody thought he was going to win. 


Or how about the girl who was the head cheerleader? She’s prettier and better than everyone else, yes even you and again she has proof. Look at all her trophies. She was uncontested queen of the “in” crowd and acts as if she still is. 


And what about all the other guys and gals, the ones who were just middle of the road and didn’t accomplish anything great while the others were busy being superstars? A lot of those people look at their lack of accomplishments and beat themselves up about it. They point at their past deeds and say, see I’ve not done anything of note yet and nor am I ever likely to.


What do I think about that? Click here to read on and see.

A great new wonderful today

April 10, 2014

Welcome to a great, new, wonderful today. Welcome to a today that is pregnant with opportunities, overflowing with new possibilities for you to take advantage of, to make your life and the lives of those around you better than ever before.


Bah humbug you say? Yesterday sucked you say? Yesterday sucked, so did all the days before.Today is gonna suck and so will all the days that come after.


Well, sure. If you maintain that attitude you are guaranteed to be right. After all, attitude is everything. The universe brings you exactly what you honestly expect that it will. If you believe that your past is a mirror of your future, things can never get any better. If all you ever see of your past is darkness and no light and you think all that can be is what has been, your future is pretty bleak.


Why not make a different choice? Click here to read on for some suggestions

Your past

April 10, 2014



I. Don’t. Care. About.Your. Past. That seems pretty transparent to me. But maybe it’s not. I want to be perfectly clear. I don’t care if you used to be a transsexual neo-nazi pod person that drank human blood, lived in a castle made of human skulls, and ate live babies for fun. I don’t care if you used to be in the service and killed dozens of people because Uncle Sam told you to. Or if you just murdered people because you wanted to. I don’t care if are an alcoholic, or if you used to be a prostitute or a rapist. I don’t care about all the crimes and sins you used to commit or the laws you used to break.


Yes. All of those things have dark tragic stories full of angst, fear and frustration attached to them. And if you need a shoulder to cry on or just feel that you need to confess to someone about the horrible, terrible things that you used to do, I am here for you. I will listen, my heart full of love and empathy, for your sorrow and tragedy.


Your past is your past. It is all of the things that you have done and experienced right up until this very moment. It is NOT who you are though. Your past is who you used to be. All of it. It isn’t just what you did ten years ago. What you did yesterday is part of who you used to be. But, you can’t change those stories. They happened.


Those things just simply don’t matter. But what does? Click here to read on and see

Nostalgia is killing your dreams

March 15, 2014

Is there an event or series of events in your life that you find yourself often reminiscing over, whether by yourself or with your friends? You probably find yourself saying that “remember when?” and “those were the days”


We tend to have nostalgia about good times in our past. But whether you realize it or not, there is a good chance that that very thing is hurting your chances of success in the future. Now before you disagree, realize that I think that great memories of the past are a good thing.  It is just the attitude we tend to take about our current times that are killing us.


Correct me if I am wrong, but doesn’t it always seem like what we are really saying is those were the good old days and now they are gone and this is what we are left with? We used to be great. Life used to be awesome. Wonderful things used to happen to us. We are fond of the lives we used to live and dread the one we have now.

Click here to see how you can turn things around and use your past to drive your future.

Day tight

March 3, 2014

While doing some reading the other day I came across a phrase that I really liked. The subject matter was about conquering worry. The phrase was “living in day tight compartments”  or locking each day off in your mind from every other day that happens.

People tend to have fear, doubt and worry over decisions that might need to be made in the future. That worry dampens our spirits and in some cases even our physical health. When we do this, our mood darkens and we do not enjoy our life. This is not a momentary thing. It goes on from the time that we become aware that whatever issue exists until the appointed time to handle it occurs. Even worse, quite often people worry over things that are not ever even going to happen, or things where the odds of them happening are so close to zero as to be not worth the time spent pondering it. But still their lives are filled with suffering while they wait for this terrible thing to occur.

Other times we agonize over choices we have already made thinking, feeling or believing that we should have done something else. This is even worse than worrying about something that has yet to happen because there is no set time limit for how long we will continue to cause ourselves to suffer over it. Countless millions of people are constantly bringing their lives to ruin over things that have already happened or that might never happen

This isn’t useful. But what would be? Click here to read on

What is written

February 18, 2014

In my last post we talked about how the stumbling blocks in our way give us an indication of how to go about making a plan to get what we want. Here and now we will be discussing something else that people often use as a limiting factor.


Your past. What has gone before. Your record. History. They are different words that all mean the same thing. It is the accumulation of things that we have done and that have been done to us right up until this very moment that have caused us to be where we are today.  But we are not the things that we have done.  I am sure that you have heard someone say that whoever they were talking about would never amount to anything due to their past record. They may have said things like that person is a screw up, always in trouble with the law. Stay away from them or they will take you down with them.


Many people that know me today, would either be surprised or have a hard time believing what I used to be like. I was an angry, angsty, bitter, frustrated wreck. I had anger management and self control issues, had frequent violent outbursts both verbal and physical. There were multiple instances of being on the wrong side of the law including theft, vandalism, property destruction and arson. I had frequent thoughts of both murder and suicide.


What impact has all that had on who I am today? Click here to find out.