Posts Tagged ‘today’

Complete fail

April 27, 2014

So, there was this plan for today and due to something that I failed to do, that thing cannot happen today.


See, for the past few years we have been pretty negligent in the overall upkeep of our home. Internally we have done most of the day to day cleaning one would expect. But the long term type of stuff has been put off inside the house and except for cutting the grass shortly before the city decides to fine us, most of the outside of our home has been ignored.


As part of our plan to live in excellence and improve every area of our lives we decided that this could not continue. We got together, sat down and wrote up a list of the thing that needed doing, room by room inside and area by area on the outside of the house. The list is several pages long.


One of the items on that list was pressure cleaning the outside of our house. Due to vegetation that had grown up right next to the house in a  bunch of areas and deteriorating lawn furniture the bottom two feet or so of most of the front of our house is a greenish black color, which by the way, doesn’t go very well with the exterior paint color of our home. The plants and furniture are gone but the greenish black color remains.


What does any of that have to do with my personal failure? I’m getting to that. Click here to read on and see

A great new wonderful today

April 10, 2014

Welcome to a great, new, wonderful today. Welcome to a today that is pregnant with opportunities, overflowing with new possibilities for you to take advantage of, to make your life and the lives of those around you better than ever before.


Bah humbug you say? Yesterday sucked you say? Yesterday sucked, so did all the days before.Today is gonna suck and so will all the days that come after.


Well, sure. If you maintain that attitude you are guaranteed to be right. After all, attitude is everything. The universe brings you exactly what you honestly expect that it will. If you believe that your past is a mirror of your future, things can never get any better. If all you ever see of your past is darkness and no light and you think all that can be is what has been, your future is pretty bleak.


Why not make a different choice? Click here to read on for some suggestions

Sauce day

March 10, 2014

I woke up today and decided that I was going to go out and get the supplies to make tomato sauce. Tomorrow night, for dinner, we are having home made marinara sauce, angel hair pasta, meat balls, garlic bread and Italian sausage.


I haven’t made this particular meal in a couple of years and around here it’s somewhat legendary. It is a fan favorite amongst all who have ever tried it. And I personally love it. But it takes me eighteen hours to three days to make, depending on whether or not I start out with fresh tomatoes instead of canned. So, I almost never go through the effort.


What is funny about that is I am always saying I am gonna make it again soon. And I have tried to talk myself into it several times over the last few months. Not today though. I woke up and knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that I was going shopping and that once I got the supplies, I was setting to work making this awesome food. It kind of a amazes me how this sudden desire came out of the clear blue and I am still wondering about it.


Why now? Why today? Click here to read more

If you could, would you go back and make different choices?

February 10, 2014

When I was in second grade, my mom got her GED. I went with her and just because I had nothing better to do, I took the pretest while she was taking the real thing.  We both did very well and the person giving the test jokingly said I should come back next week and take the real test and get my GED and get an early start on college.


I remember thinking to myself that would be insane.  I was seven, who could have possibly taken me seriously? Many hours were spent pondering this concept. And I could never imagine it, literally.  My main reason for not doing it was peer pressure, or really imagined pressure from my peers.  And I just could not shake the belief and possibly even fear, that due to my age, I would get taken advantage of in one way or another. What person between the ages of 20 and 50 is gonna give a seven year old the time of day, especially if that kid is acing classes that they are struggling with.


I have thought about it a lot over my lifetime. This was like thirty years ago, before the once popular TV show, Doogie Houser.  When that show came out I thought about it even more. Oddly enough, I never have watched a single episode though. It has occurred to me that I could probably have gotten a triple doctorate by the time I was nineteen or twenty. I mean scholarships and grants would not have been a problem. I have seen first hand that if you maintain a minimum of a 4.0 GPA, schools will bend over backwards to keep you.

Click here to see how things could have been